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President J. Fannin
Chairperson T. Evans
Secretary L. Maydew
Treasurer #1 J. Major
Treasurer #2 T. Elliott
Membership Secretary H. Ashworth
Members: D. Davies S. Foskett C. Maydew J. Ramsey
M. Ramsey K. Smith-Wells (Assistant Secretary)
This is a brief update for those of you who were unable to attend the AGM on the 25th of February. (For those of you who did attend, I hope that you found it of interest, and it was great to see so many of you there).
The various reports from the committee stressed that our club is run by members for members and wouldn't survive without the efforts of all those volunteers who give of their time in so many ways. There are plans for 2024 to hold numerous events, both bowling and social, throughout the year and the committee hope that all members will support the club whenever they can as they are vital for fundraising.
The Treasurer, John Major, reported on the club's finances. The committee had asked for he and Tony Elliott (the Assistant Treasurer) to prepare a financial forecast for 2024 in view of the economic climate. They predicted a possible shortfall of income of £3,000. Various options to find the deficit were discussed by the committee and, after a considerable amount of work, it was decided to propose at the AGM an increase from £1 to £2 in green/session fees for all members, as shown on the agenda.
However, since December Karen Smith-Wells and Steve Foskett have successfully sought sponsorship deals with local companies which has already raised £1,900 (over 3 years) and more sponsorship deals are in the offing. Karen has also been very busy setting up conditions for the clubhouse to be hired out for functions and meetings. The committee therefore felt that income from these sources will help to fill the shortfall and, as a result, the committee recommended to the AGM that the proposal concerning green/session fees be withdrawn. It was stressed that circumstances mean that our finances will be under constant review during the year and such increases may have to take place in 2025.
Richard Jones has retired as President and both he & Trish Jones have stepped down from the committee. On behalf of all the members, Terry thanked them both for their very long-standing commitment to the club and, in appreciation for all that they have done (and will continue to do), they were presented with a gift and flowers. Trish will remain as a point of contact for the leagues.
John Fannin was elected President; Terry Evans remains as Chairman; myself as Secretary and John Major & Tony Elliott as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer respectively. Hugh Ashworth, Karen Smith-Wells, Steve Foskett, Carl Maydew, John Ramsey, Marg Ramsey, Debbie Davies were elected or re-elected.
The committee suggested that if members know of any friends or neighbours who may wish to play bowls, competitively or socially, then please encourage them to join as full members. Alternatively, if they just want to enjoy the social side of the club, they can join as social members. It was also suggested that members, family or friends consider hiring the clubhouse if ever they a need a venue for a party or meeting, etc. Favourable rates for members are available. Also, if members have ideas for any local business sponsorship, they can contact Karen or Steve Foskett. Details of both room hire, and sponsorship are on the webpage.
A Captains and League Players meeting was held after the AGM with players sorting out teams for 2024. The fixtures for this year will be issued soon and I encourage all members to look at the webpage to be kept up-to-date with what’s happening at the club, both bowling-wise and socially:
Kind Regards
Lesley (Maydew)
The name of the club shall be “Old Shrewsbury Bowling Club” (hereafter OSBC) and will be affiliated to the British Crown Green Bowling Association.
The members will be affiliated to the Shropshire Crown Green Bowling Association and any other organisations that the Club Committee may from time to time determine.
Application for membership shall be made on an application form which will be vetted by the Committee.
Membership of the club shall be open to persons of both sexes and they will be enrolled in one of the following categories:
Adult playing member (18 years and over);
Junior/Student member;
Senior Member (Over 65).
Membership should consist of both officers and members of the club.
The annual subscription to the club shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting prior to the bowling season. If, for whatever reason, no annual subscription is agreed, then the previous year’s subscription shall apply.
Members must pay the annual club subscription in full before being considered for any bowling team selection. Subscriptions will become due on the 1st March.
To play on any green or for any team, the member must either pay the club’s annual green fee or the appropriate hourly green fee set by OSBC.
The annual green fee shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting. If, for whatever reason, no annual green fee is agreed then the previous year’s green fee shall apply.
Officers will be elected at the Annual General Meeting prior to the bowling season. They will go out of office every year but shall be eligible for re-election. They shall consist of:
A Chairperson who will be responsible for chairing General and Committee Meetings, as well as ensuring that other officers are carrying out their duties. The Chairperson will represent OSBC at external meetings or events when necessary.
An Honorary Secretary who shall be responsible for arranging, giving notice and taking minutes of General and Committee Meetings. The Secretary will report on any received correspondence and reply as directed by the Committee, as well as publicising the activities of the club.
An Honorary Treasurer who shall be responsible for overseeing the finances of the club.
The club is to be managed by a Committee consisting of the three Officers plus elected Managers responsible for the following areas:
The Greens
The Bar and Interior
The Exterior Surroundings
The new Management Committee is formed following the Annual General Meeting and the election of these Officers and Managers.
The Management Committee, as a governing body, will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation of the club.
The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees as they think fit.
The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies arising from any cause whatsoever during the period between Annual General Meetings.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt one or more members onto the Committee for the remainder of the year in the interests of the club.
For a Committee meeting to be held, the attendees must consist of a minimum of 3 elected officers.
The Secretary will give 14 days notice to the elected officers and non-elected committee members, of meetings and distribute the minutes to all committee members within 14 days of the meeting.
The Secretary shall call the meetings of the Committee, including a meeting to decide on the league and cup competitions to be entered by the club.
All committee meetings to have minutes taken and the Secretary retain a copy for future reference. The minutes are to be approved as an accurate record of events at the following meeting.
In support of the Management Committee, each team will have a Captain elected by the bowling members.
Captains shall be eligible for re election.
The Team Captain shall be responsible for the organising and notification of their team. The Team Captain should only consider fully paid up members for selection.
The Team Captain can always delegate a member to collect any match fees.
The Team Captain and their Vice-Captain need to agree a team member with computer access to report their results.
The Team Captain should ensure the hospitality for the opposition at home matches.
The funds of OSBC shall be applied to the objects of the club.
All the financial transactions of OSBC shall be recorded.
All cheques drawn against OSBC’s funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other nominated elected officer.
The club shall hold an annual general meeting in the first quarter of each year, giving members at least 14 days notice of the due date.
At any Annual General Meeting, every paid up member from the previous season shall be entitled to one vote upon every proposal raised. In the case of equality the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
The Quorum for an Annual General Meeting will not be less than one fifth of the total number of members, or not less than twenty members, whichever is the lesser number.
The purpose of the meeting is to:
NB: Any matters to be discussed under item 8 will need to be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least fourteen days in advance of the date set for the Annual General Meeting.
The Management Committee has the right to call Extraordinary General Meetings outside the Annual General Meeting. Procedures for an Extraordinary General Meeting will be the same as an Annual General Meeting.
If OSBC is to be dissolved, an Extraordinary General Meeting must be called by the Secretary to determine the disposal of OSBC’s assets after all debts and liabilities are satisfied.
The remaining assets shall not be paid or redistributed among any members of OSBC but will be transferred to an organisation(s) with similar aims and objectives.
At least two weeks’ notice is to be given and a minimum of one fifth of the membership must attend for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be quorate.
The Constitution will only be revoked, added to or altered by a majority, comprising at least three quarters of the members present at any General Meeting, notice of which has been duly given specifying the proposals and their details.
Old Shrewsbury Bowling Club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of its members and, therefore, every bona fide member of the club shall be issued with their own copy of this Constitution.
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